Thursday, November 11, 2010

Operation Finish Line

The finish line is in sight. I can feel the end drawing near. How does this make me feel? Excited, nervous, scared, nostalgic.

My last semester as a college student is drawing to a close. In less than a month I will be home, done with finals and projects and homework. I won't be back in the spring. I won't have to sign up for anymore classes. No more all-nighters, no more essays and lab reports. The prospect of this is exciting--I won't have to do any more work on weekends or stay up late doing a stupid report! And yet, the idea of not coming back and not doing homework is frightening. I have been groomed for this. For the past 16 years I have been programmed to do well in school--its my best skill. Getting A's is my greatest skill. I've mastered how to do it. And now, it is going to be useless. What will I do when I enter the real world? When will that happen?

The idea of getting a full time job and working isn't too bad, but the problem is finding the job first. As of right now I have one job offer from my summer internship. I've applied to 25 different positions, have had 4 interviews, and have heard back from none of them. This is making me nervous. My job offer date is drawing near, and I need to make a decision: to I accept and automatically reject any future offerings or do I reject and hope for something better to come along (but if nothing else comes along, I would have screwed the pooch big time).

I see the finish line, I can feel it. But I suddenly want to slow down and take in the view before me. I need more time to figure out my next move.

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