Sunday, October 24, 2010

The smell of napalm in the morning...

So last night Amanda and I went to see Pittsburgh Ballet Theater's production of The Three Musketeers.

It was so much fun. It was cute, funny, beautiful ballet. It had great costumes and gorgeous sets, as well as awesome dancers. Since this is based on the book, there were lots of male dancers. It was really nice to see the male dancers show off for a change. Don't get me wrong, I love the female dancers with all their graceful moves, but you normally see the men partner them. So it was a nice change of pace to see the male dancers jump and turn and not partner. The lead in the production (who played young D'artagnan) was most excellent. I've seen this guy dance a number of times, and it always amazes me how high he can jump. He's just that awesome. I loved seeing him as Romeo and his wife as Juliette a few seasons ago. Seeing these things always make me want to dance. Maybe when I go home for break I'll hit up some ballet classes with my mom.

Besides that, I've begun my quest to finally finish AFI's Top 100 movies list. I've seen well over half of the movies, though some I've only seen parts of. For example, I'd seen most of Taxi Driver except for a good 30 minutes in the middle. So I decided to see that one again, just for good measure. That movie is just as good as I remember it being (even better with the plus 30 minutes I missed). A young Robert DeNiro and a really young Jodi Foster make a good movie.

The next movie that was on my list was Apocalypse Now. I'm not big into war movies just because I can't handle all the violence. This one had me hating mankind for the mere fact that I can't believe we can kill each other like that. Besides this overwhelming feeling of disgust, I did love the movie. It had so many layers, so many great scenes (Ride of the Valkyries, anyone?). Marlon Brando was amazing; and every time I looked at Martin Sheen all I could see was Emilio Estevez and Charlie Sheen. Those are some strong genes cause they all look alike. Though I liked the movie, I decided to not watch the Redux version. There is only so much violence I can take. The original version was long enough for me.

With all this procrastination done, it now dawns on me that I probably could have gotten some work done. I do have lab reports due, a prototype due, and some reading to do. But I feel like I deserved this little break. Besides, what's the weekend for if not relaxing a bit?

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